Are you aware of how many people are searching for your website with their voice? People are able to do this with their phone, and it can be a very statistic for your company to measure. You are able to find some stats on this via different software programs.
Do you have a lot of toxic links on your site? You can find a lot of dead links on a site, and the truth is that you won’t find much success. Thus people end up not going to your site. Average site speed is another measuring stick that digital leaders should pay attention to as well.
Key Takeaways:
- Mailchimp’s has a report that can help marketers to evaluate there email strategies and compare their success with others
- Mobile searches are rapidly outstripping online searches, with voice searches poised to be the next big thing in searches.
- Research from Digital Current can help marketers grab the newest trend waves before they crest and break, or simply get overcrowded.
“To understand whether new marketing tactics and channels are worth testing for your brand, you should look at the number of companies in your competitive set who are adopting that tactic or platform.”
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