Small businesses are what makes American a land of opportunity. The problem arises however when there is a low level of job satisfaction. In a small business there is perhaps little room for career advancement or promotional opportunities as there is a smaller workforce. A growing trend is younger workers who are not happy in their jobs because of the feeling of what they should be entitled to. Decent wages, being able to have their voices heard and good employer/employee communication are also items these young workers are looking for in the place they work. A balancing act of what is profitable as well as understanding the needs and wants of employees can ensure profitability from keeping employees feeling happy and needed.
Key Takeaways:
- Most employees do not ask for much when it comes to staying happy. Normal things such as benefits, job security, and a safe workplace are just some of the things they look for.
- Always be upfront about the position that you are hiring for, as being vague and misleading will often lead to an unhappy employee in the near future.
- Always recognize the achievements of your employees and be sure to let them know that you are fully aware of how hard they are working while on the clock.
“Modern small business owners are some of the busiest, most hard-working people in the world, especially when the business is in its early years. While specifics vary according to industry, service, size and other factors, every small business owner must manage several moving parts at once including development, quality, customer satisfaction, marketing and countless other elements of an efficient company.”
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